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Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery is a popular psychometric test based on the psychology of Carl Jung. It takes Jung’s concepts of extraversion and introversion, thinking and feeling and sensing and intuition and converts them into colour energies: Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue. Each of us have these colour preferences in different combinations. We use this knowledge to inform how we communicate, lead, and interact with other people.

Insights Discovery

Crisp clients access Insights Discovery in a number of ways

  • Individuals improve their personal effectiveness
  • People communicate more effectively in the workplace
  • Create more effective teams
  • Leaders motivate and manage their teams

We have a dedicated team of qualified Insights practitioners that work with clients across the country to create leadership and management programmes that make a difference to people's lives. Organisations trust us to help them build inclusive cultures, meet goals and objectives and embrace change.

At Crisp Professional Development we use Insights Discovery to help:

  • By completing an Insights profile which is then debriefed by a qualified practitioner
  • When Insights forms part of a management development programme
  • When they attend one of our dedicated Insights courses

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Are you looking for courses for your team. Check out our bespoke course options

Insights Discovery Courses

Discovering Leadership Effectiveness

Course Options

In person. Across the UK

Online training

Enquire for a bespoke in-house course

Discovering Leadership Effectiveness is a one day leadership course that uses personal Insights profiles to help leaders to explore their personal leadership style and unique values. Leaders learn how their individual style and preferences manifest themselves in their leadership.

Discovering Team Effectiveness

Course Options

In person. Across the UK

Online training

Enquire for a bespoke in-house course

With Discovering Team Effectiveness, each team member receives an Insights Discovery personal profile. This helps each person appreciate the unique value they bring to the team. Then, through facilitated discussions, exercises and breakout sessions, the team can learn how their individual and team preferences affect team dynamics and performance. The results? Clear and practical action plans that accelerate the team’s progress towards their goals.

Discovering Sales Effectiveness

Course Options

In person. Across the UK

Online training

Enquire for a bespoke in-house course

This programme takes the learning from Insights Discovery and applies it in a sales setting. It will explore how preference and behaviour can impact customers at each stage of the sale. Our Discovering Sales Effectiveness solution uses the familiar four-colour model. It will personalise it for salespeople in order to build a better understanding of both themselves and their customers. By developing their awareness of self and others, sales professionals can adapt their own unique selling style, to build better customer relationships.

Leading with Insights

Course Options

In person. Across the UK

Online training

Enquire for a bespoke in-house course

Leading with Insights uses the Insights Discovery profiling tool to raise individual and collective awareness about preferences, behaviours and strengths. On a good day you may be formal and precise (cool blue) or persuasive and dynamic (sunshine yellow), or you may be green or red. The profiling tool creates a profile of your unique combination of colours which will enable you to better understand yourself and others.


Insights Discovery is a personality profiling tool that helps people understand themselves and others better.

It is completed online in under 20 minutes by answering a series of questions that ask you to rank various statements on a scale of 'most like me' to 'least like me'.

From this, your unique Insights Discovery profile is produced based on the four colour energies of Fiery Red, Sunshine Yellow, Earth Green and Cool Blue.

Ready to find out more?

Give us a call to find out how Insights Discovery could transform your team, 01392 409 198